Improvisation #389
A moment
Listening to music is a meditation
Meditation is to reach awareness
Of the only existing time
The everlasting presence
The eternal now
The only time
That always was, is and will be
Where past, presence and future
Are the same one
When we touch that moment
We become alive & exalted
Joy, praise & energy
Are there
In the moment we touch
When we stop thinking
Talking to ourselves
When we become quiet
And listen
With peace in our spirit
And only let the moment happen
Only then
Our being starts vibrating
On the frequencies of the music
For music is a collection of vibrations
A collection of ideas
Rich and poor, altogether
We get the ideas
Rich and poor, altogether
Music is a batch of energy
We get the energy
Music is a dance of harmonies & progressions
We start to dance
In harmonies & progressions
The soul starts dancing
On the rhythms of the music
Music is a language
The transmission of knowledge
Culture and history
And series of experiences
When the heart hears
We get to its essence
Music has a source, an origin
Music has a purpose, a destination
The music is also in between both
The way, the path
And just like life
When it reaches destination
It starts all over again
Hallelu Yah
Sébastien Badel
alias Aman
Belledonne, Rhône-Alpes,
France, October 27, 2024