Improvisation #399
Perfect Peace in weakness
7 years of tears
To finish with a good thirty
And the dismantling of a family that was too strong
The too strong finally weak
He certainly wanted it
And understood it for a long time
He had named and dedicated
Many years before
“Perfect Peace in Weakness”
“His power will be perfected therein!”
Prophetic of course
He knew his lyrics
“So be at peace, my son”
“You know how to do it.”
But he didn't yet know the pains.
Father, husband and brother
His harshness was to defend
For lack of protection
With a too tender heart believing
Shel didn't know how to do it
Still doesn't understand today.
Why did they hate so much?
To the point of wanting to destroy everything?
His faith was beyond theirs
And he was never disappointed
Their hatred only confirms it.
The presence, light and gentle,
Luminous for clairvoyants
Lights up his heart still
Of freedom and victory.
Where is the power?
Where are vengeance and justice?
These belong to him
So he will wait patiently.
From the bottom of the mud
Longing for it still
He rebuilds his strength
By the magic of faith
It will be perfect this time.
And he will sing again
Songs never seen before
Praises to his God
Multitudes will see
Trembling, them too
They will confide.
Hallelu Yah
Everything will be for him
Sébastien Badel
alias Aman
Belledonne, Rhône-Alpes,
France, September 29, 2024